Sick Boy
May 1st, 2008 | by Matt | Kevin is in the hospital again, and he’s pretty sick. He came down with cold-like symptoms last week and was kind of tired and not himself, then a few days ago his asthma seemed to start acting up and a kroup cough hit him while he was down. So we took him to the doctor on Tuesday and he was admitted to the hospital for respiratory problems.
So far he’s been a pretty miserable boy. I think is the sickest we’ve ever seen him (except for after he was born, of course). He’s completely listless and isn’t himself at all. Tomorrow will be his 4th day there and he doesn’t seem to be improving as quickly as we would like, so we are kind of worried. Luckily his cardiologist is right nearby and has stopped in to see him a few times. She reassures us that she doesn’t see anything heart-related, and that he is just having a hard time kicking the combination of things that hit him all at once.
We hope he’ll recover soon and can come home in the next day or two.
5 Responses to “Sick Boy”
By Jeni on May 2, 2008 | Reply
Kevin, so many people are thinking about you. You are loved.
By shel on May 2, 2008 | Reply
We love you!
By Angela on May 4, 2008 | Reply
Matt and Dawn, I’m so sorry to hear about little Kevin. You are all in my prayers.
Angela (Kathy’s friend)
By AMJ on Aug 3, 2008 | Reply
God Bless You.
By AMJ on Aug 3, 2008 | Reply
God Bless!