Comments on: Grief Retreat Thu, 07 Jan 2010 00:31:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Margaret DaSilva Mon, 21 Sep 2009 01:50:55 +0000 I had never heard of a grief retreat until looking at some memorials of children who have died. Could you please tell me if any more of these events are being planned?
My son died suddenly in his sleep in December of 2007 at age 22.
I live in Kingston Ontario Canada but could make the trip to the US.
Thank you.

By: Aunt LIZ Thu, 30 Apr 2009 02:40:17 +0000 Wow. Just Wow. The first year is so unfolding….. I wanted to be there for you all this year, but I have also learned, as have you, that grieving is a very personal experience. Your web site gave us insight, sadniess, love, and hope. There is no right or wrong wayto grieve and remember, and there is little anyone can do or say to make it easier. Just knowing people care makes all the difference. Being left alone to grieve is also not a bad thing – again it is very personal.

If I had a nickle for everytime I heard how “strong” we are – I would be rich for a moment – If I paid a nickle for every moment of grief and sadness – I would be forever in debt….. It’s not so much that we are strong – it’s more that we must go through it – those are my thoughts – Being strong is good, too…..

I know certainly that if I could take away an ounce of the pain you have experienced and continue to feel – I would do it in a heartbeat. I still have the voice mail you left for me, Dawn. I can’t bear to hear it, or to let it go. Moms……

We will respect your wishes for a quiet day at home – please know how much you are loved and how much Kevin is remembered – we will all be with you with love and in spirit on Saturday. We miss Kevin in our lives. He was a dear and precious boy who brought joy with every smile! His memory has not faded.

We love you all so very much!

By: Joanna Wed, 29 Apr 2009 01:44:00 +0000 It is amazing how sharing your grief with someone can help calm yourself and connect you to others. Today I had a student break down because her grandpa died two months ago and she has been upset and misbehaving since. I started crying and couldn’t stop. After talking with her a while I realized it is not healthy to be strong and composed all the time. Sometimes we have got to let loose and sob, cry, and get all choked up. I came home tonight and decided to have a good cry so I watched videos and read posts and just remembered my nephew and how much he meant to me and my family. I remember him so well because he was such a vibrant, amazing two year old. His spirit, smile, bright eyes, and mannerisms are always on my mind. I see so much of him in all of you! I wonder, can we get that cow you saw delivered to your backyard? What an awesome thing to see on your way to such a hard event. I love you all and will always be there to cry, vent, laugh, drink, or do anything else that will support you.

By: Jeni Tue, 28 Apr 2009 13:13:41 +0000 Just as a friend of Kevin I have moments that catch me off guard. Yesterday I was at Hyvee and saw a little girl in frog boots and started to cry that uncontrolable cry that makes other Hyvee shoppers give you an awkward smile. I cannot imagine the grief you three have if that little boy touched me so deeply. I’m so glad that you went to the grief support group and met other people who really understand.
