Comments on: Christmas Thu, 07 Jan 2010 00:31:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colleen Finley Mon, 29 Dec 2008 08:36:58 +0000 I grew up on 22nd Street, just down the hill from the Zimmerman’s home. I knew Eric, Linden & Krystal.

Mrs. Z. was my Scout Leader for many, many fun years. I have so many great memories of your Grandparents. I’ve always hoped that Mrs. Z. helped me a lot. I feel a little better as a person from her mentoring. Lizanne and I were the same age and we were together quite often doing sleepovers, climbing trees in Hauberg Park, and swimming in their backyard pool. Unfortunately, as happens, High School ended and we both moved away in different directions. Mine has come full circle as I am back in Rock Island buying a house to grow old & senile in!

I found this sight one day and realized the family connection. I think everything you have written should be sent out to poducers, etc. This should be a movie. And it would reach and touch and make a difference in so many people’s lives. Please consider that

I am so very elated to read of your good news!! I can’t help but think that somehow, someplace Kevin is in on this and excited for you as well.

So many congratulations and prayers go out from me for your expected new addition. You will be in my daily prayers.

Please continue to keep us informed. I can’t wait to see your new baby on the web. As you know, there is nothing so wonderful and the Lord’s blessing us with children.

With love and sincerity,…….Colleen Finley
